Sunday, December 29, 2019

Juvenile Interrogations Must Be Recorded Rules Wisconsin...

The following scenario is from the article â€Å"Juvenile Interrogations Must Be Recorded Rules Wisconsin Supreme Court,† written by David Ziemer, and pulled from the Wisconsin Law Journal. Published July 13th, 2005. [I]n 2001, three young men robbed a McDonald’s restaurant in Milwaukee. 14-year-old Jerrell C.J. was arrested in connection with the offense, taken to the police station, booked, and placed in an interrogation room. In the room, Jerrell was handcuffed to a wall and left alone for approximately two hours. At 9 a.m., Police Detectives Ralph Spano and Kurt Sutter entered the interrogation room. The detectives introduced themselves, removed Jerrell’s handcuffs, and asked him some background questions. Jerrell stated that he was 14 years old and in the eighth grade. He also provided the names, addresses, and phone numbers of his parents and siblings. Jerrell was advised of his Miranda rights, and the detectives then began to question Jerrell about the armed robbery. Jerrell denied any involvement. The detectives challenged this denial and encouraged Jerrell to be truthful and honest and start standing up for what he did. Jerrell again denied his involvement. The detectives again challenged his denial. At times throughout the exchange, Detective Spano raised his voice. He later explained, I’m raising my voice short of yelling at him . . . there were points I needed to make, and I needed to make them with a strong voice. But not yelling. Jerrell described theShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages1982) â€Å"Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in a class listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments, and spilling out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves.† (Chickering Gamson, 1987) In their classic book on active learning, Bonwell and Elson (1991) list seven defining characteristics. 1. Students are

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Financial Analysis Report On Products Limited Essay

ALPACA PRODUCTS LIMITED FINANCIAL ANALYSIS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD FROM 2014 TO 2016 Prepared For :- Board of Directors Prepared by :- Manoj Vaidaya (North Tec Accounting Student) Due Date :- 19/04/2016 (10:15 AM) __Manoj Vaidaya___ 15/04/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION ONE: INTRODUCTION 2 PURPOSE OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 2 LIMITATION OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 2 Misleading Financial statement information 2 No mechanized process for evaluation of effectiveness of financial information 2 Stagnant Analysis 2 SECTION TWO: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 3 (a) PROFITABILITY EVALUAITION 3 i. Net Profit Margin (NPM) 3 ii. Return on Total Assets - ROA 3 iii. Return on Equity (ROE) 4 (b) LIQUIDITY ASSETS UTILIZATON 4 i. Current Ratio 4 ii. Liquidity Ratio 5 iii. Inventory Turnover 5 (c) FINANCIAL STRUCTURE 5 i. Debt Ratio 5 ii. Interest Cover Ratio 6 SECTION THREE: RECOMMENDATIONS 7 Areas of Weaknesses 7 i. Deteriorating liquidity Position 7 ii. Low Inventory Turnover 7 Areas of Strengths 7 APPENDIX 8 REFERENCES 9 SECTION ONE: INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The purpose of this report is concerned with comparative analysis of the ALPACA PRODUCTS LIMITED’s (ALPACA) financial performance in terms of its key performance indicators (KPI’s) like various financial ratios of profitability, liquidity, and gearing etc. over the latest financial year ended 2014-2016. LIMITATION OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Misleading Financial statementShow MoreRelatedXero Limited Swot Analysis Bac1483 Words   |  6 PagesXero Limited. Fundamental Company Report Including Financial, SWOT, Competitors and Industry Analysis Phone: +44 20 8123 2220 Fax: +44 207 900 3970 Phone: +44 20 8123 2220 Xero Limited. Fundamental Company Report Including Financial, SWOT, Competitors and Industry Analysis Date: Pages: Price: ID: August 1, 2015 50 US$ 499.00 X2531BAD6F0BEN Xero Limited. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Self-Induced Outsider free essay sample

The following essay examines the definition of an outsider and focuses on the self-induced outsider with specific reference to Michael Jackson. This paper gains insight into the general public opinion of Michael Jackson according to the black-based media, and then according to the white-based media; ultimately ending with an analysis of the similarities and differences between the two to show how he has alienated himself from both races. From the paper: According to The Seattle Times, November 15, 1996, a report is written about Michael Jacksons first public appearance after marrying Lisa Marie Presley and includes the comment; Jackson, without his trademark face mask. This is obviously an attempt to create a negative image of Michael Jackson. There is no need for this so-called news report to include this snide remark. These types of reports, however, seemed to be the majority throughout the white media. The white population seemed to focus on the negative aspects of Michael Jackson every chance they got. We will write a custom essay sample on The Self-Induced Outsider or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were very few reports on his achievements in his professional career, but numerous reports focusing on his private life.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

None Provided8 Analysis Essay Example For Students

None Provided8 Analysis Essay What do we think of when we hear the word sweatshop? Many people associate that word with female immigrant workers, who receive very minimal pay. The work area is very dangerous to your health and is extremely unsanitary work place. The work area is usually overcrowded. That is the general stereotype, in my eyes of a sweatshop. All if not more of these conditions were present in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. This company was located in New York City at 23-29 Washington Place, in which 146 employees mainly women and girls lost their lives to a disastrous fire. A superficial examination revealed that conditions in factories and manufacturing establishments that developed a daily menace to the lives of the thousands of working men, women, and children (Cornell 29). Lack of precautions to prevent fire, inadequate fire-escape facilities, unsanitary conditions were undermining the health of the workers. The need for an investigation was starting to be recognized. The hazards to life because of fire are: covering fire prevention, arrangement of machinery, fire drills, inadequate fire-escapes and exits, number of persons employed in factories and lofts, etc. Some of the dangers to life and health because of unsanitary conditions are: ventilation, lighting and heating arrangement, hours of labor, etc. There was no insulation in the winter, only a pot-bellied stove in the middle of the factory. In the summer you suffocated with practically no ventilation. There was no drinking water, except maybe a tap is in the hall, which was warm and dirty. New York is the first state in the Union to authorize a general investigation of the conditions in manufacturing establishments within its borders. According to the preliminary report of the census of 1910, there were 1,003,981 men, women, and children employed in the factories and manufacturing establishments of New York State. New York has already expended great sums of money to conserve its natural resources. The conservation of human life, the most valuable of all things, has received but little attention. Fires and industrial accidents are fortunately only occasional and extraordinary events. Their effects are visible and immediate so they are impressed forcibly upon our minds.The Triangle Shirtwaist Company was in a fireproof loft building that was about 150 feet high, and it is about 12 stories in height. These buildings are usually of such a height that the Fire Department ladders and extensions and even the water towers do not reach the upper stories. While the fireproof building itself will not burn, the merchandise, wooden floors, and contents will burn. All fire experts assume that when a fire occurs on any one floor, the contents of that floor will be destroyed. Ladders can not reach over eighty feet high; therefore people must try the stairways or fire escapes to get out of the building. The fire escape was a lone ladder running down a rear narrow court, which was smoke filled, one narrow door gave access to the ladder (Boston, Bedford 1998). The conditions and reasons for death of many women in that fire was mainly overcrowded, unsafe, sweatshop conditions. The Honorable Walter L. Fischer, Secretary of the Interior, in an address before the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the National Fire Protection Association, states that the situation admirably:If the Government should suddenly lay an annual tax of $5. 21 on every man, woman and child in the United States on a promise of spending the money for some useful purpose, that promise would not avail against the storm of protest which would be aroused. Nevertheless, a tax which in the aggregate amounts to that is being paid by the people of this country. It is the annual fire loss of the nation upon buildings and their contents alone. It is expended not in productive enterprise, but in death and destruction, and an even larger sum is annually expended upon fire protection and insurance premiums. .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .postImageUrl , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:hover , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:visited , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:active { border:0!important; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:active , .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660 .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u355cd6fef8f16a8be6e4ef4712268660:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Trade Secrets Essay Not only is this property loss paid by our people, but also, in addition, annually 1,500 persons give up their lives, and nearly 6,000 are injured in fires. Possibly in no other direction is the national habit of waste more clearly exemplified than in the comparative indifference with which we permit such a sacrifice. In no other civilized country are conditions so bad as they are here. It seems ridiculous that a people so apt and so eager to seek out and destroy the mysterious and hidden enemies of mankind should be so slow and sluggish in fighting a foe so plainly in sight and so readily vanquished. We have let the world in seeking out the causes of pestilence and removing them. We are in the very vanguard of the battle against tuberculosis, typhoid and yellow fever, and still we stand apart and let older nations lead the fight against an enemy much more easily conquered.(Cornell 28)In conclusion, I found the sweatshops and the conditions leading up to the fire the most interesting. How could people work in those conditions? I find that this sweatshop is not much different from a modern day sweatshop. The people are working in the same poor conditions for minimal wages. This is one of the most horrific tragedies in United States history, and hopefully now the work environments are improving greatly.Bibliography:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Worship in the Old Testament ​​​​​​​ an Example by

Worship in the Old Testament ​​​​​​​ From the first of the Mosaic Law on through the entire Old Testament, man is reminded time and again that he Lord God is the only deserving recipient of his worship (Ex. 20:2-3). It is also worth mentioning that God made it explicitly clear how He is to be worshipped including details on where to worship, how to worship, what to bring in worship and even what to do. God did not want the Israelites to take up foreign forms of worship. He ordered that all places of worshipping foreign gods be destroyed (Deut. 12:2 3). This section explores how worship was conducted in the Old Testament. Need essay sample on "Worship in the Old Testament " topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed College Students Frequently Tell EssayLab professionals: How much do I have to pay someone to write my paper today? Specialists advise: Find Your Helping Hand! Buy Essay Online Writing Service Pay For Essay Writing Services Buy Essays Cheap God made it clear through the scripture that the people of Israel (who were the chosen people) were not to worship from just anywhere. Deut. 12:5 says, "But you are to seek the place of the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put His name there for His dwelling. To that place you must go". God was not to be worshipped anyhow but very specific instructions were given. He only allowed them to worship in a haphazard manner before they settled in the Promised Land but after they had settled, a designated place would serve as the place for worship where all were to go (Deut. 12:8-12). Later in the lifetime of David, Jerusalem became the official place of worship. The Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem. It was Solomon however who built the designated temple for God (1 Kings 6ff). Even the temple dimensions were very specifically given by God. Later on in the New Testament we see people gathering together in Jerusalem as the place to worship especially during f estivals (Acts Chapter 2). Elsewhere in John 4:20 the Samaritan woman questions Jesus about the designated place of worship according to the Jewish faith i.e. Jerusalem. Again in Acts 8:27 the Ethiopian Eunuch was said to have been coming from worshipping in Jerusalem. God again made it clear that the children of Israel were not to worship Him in the way the heathens worshipped their gods (Deut. 12:4). Their worship was to be at a designated place. They were to bring burnt offerings and sacrifices, tithes and gifts and what they had vowed to give as well as the 1st born of their herds. Besides there were other sacrifices that were only offered by priests as sin offering for atonement of the peoples sins. Worship in the Old Testament was characterized by feasting. People were to eat and drink during worship as they rejoiced before the Lord 12:7. Blood was usually poured beside the altar and symbolized forgiveness of sins. Later in the New Testament Jesus blood confirmed the new covenant (Heb. 9:11-28). There were various feats that were to be marked by worship. These include the feast of weeks, feast of trumpets, first fruits, feast of tabernacles, the Passover, the Sabbath or day of rest and many others in the books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Th ese days were marked with different kinds of sacrifices and offerings as well as rituals In the Old Testament worship was conducted by priests who were also permitted to enter the most Holy place or the altar and offer sacrifices of atonement. Priests were usually chosen form the tribe of Levi. They were mediators between God and man. People who were not priests were not allowed to offer sacrifices to God. This is seen when Gaul the king of Israel got important and decided to go offer sacrifices to God ostensibly because Samuel the priest was late in coming. The consequence of this sin was so grave it marked the downfall of King Saul (I Samuel 13:8-14). The priests were meant to enter the most holy place only after consecrating themselves. They offered sacrifices of atonement on their one behalf and also on behalf of the people. Additionally they were special priestly robes that were worn during this time. In the Old Testament God laid down many laws that ere to be followed to the better. These laws were very specific and were very much a part of worship. These laws were meant to show the Israelites how to live with their neighbours and also how to conduct their own lives. Some of the laws were to protest them from diseases while others were to help form their characters.God wanted them to live disciplined lives and considered obedience to these laws as paramount. Obedience was thus an important aspect of worship. The people were also to consecrate themselves in case of sins against God before their worship could be acceptable to God. God commanded the Israelites to offer sacrifice to Him. Animals, as well as farm harvest, were acceptable before God. The animals to be offered to God were to be the very best. Not old and without any kind of blemish. Additionally the animals were to be the firstborns and the harvest was to be the fist fruits of the land. Some of the sacrifices would of c ourse go to taking care of the priests needs. But even this was to be done according to the specific rites laid by God. Worship in the Old Testament time was an elaborate affair with strict guidelines to be followed from when to worship to how to go about it. The priests who were to conduct it were also to observe several rules and be in the right attire. Besides the place of worship was also very specifically designated. The worship was marked by people getting to hear what God willed with their lives. The priests mediated in this process and related Gods wish to the people and vice versa. Jesus contrasted the new way of worship with the Old Testament way. When He asserted people would no longer have to go a certain place but were to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). In Hebrews we also see another contrast where the sacrifices were to stop because Jesus sacrificed himself once and for all. Today the worship in the New Testament emphasizes sincerity and self-denial but the rules and regulations that were being observed in the Old Testament are not key to worship in the New Testament. Reference The Holy Bible; Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, I Samuel, Hebrews, John and Acts. Childs, B.S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. Fortress, 1979. A canonical approach to the text and books. Soggin, J. Alberto. Introduction to the Old Testament. OTL. Westminster, 1989. The current standard in place of Eissfeldt. Sailhammer, John H. Introduction to Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach. Zondervan, 1995. Evangelical. Structured study on how to do Old Testament theology.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Renn. Manners essays

Renn. Manners essays Societies and cultures are often defined by the behaviours and idiosyncrasies that are unique to a group of people. Just as this rule generally applies to the modern world, so does it to the past and more specifically the time of rebirth in western society (AKA the Renaissance.) Just before and during this period, the process of urbanization took place across Europe, as surplus agriculture (as a result of new technology and methods) allowed the former rural classes to move to developing metropolitan cities. The result of this process was inevitably that people would interact with one another on a more regular basis than before, and the old medieval debate about the contemplative and secluded life versus the active and social life seemed to be resolved. In his book Galateo, Giovanni Della Casa addresses the issues that displease him in the developing active life and attempts to codify a set of manners to deal with these issues. On the surface, this treatise provides many examples of social behaviour that are familiar with us in the modern world, but if the reader carefully examines how these manners fit into the context of the Renaissance, certain cultural assumptions of the time period are hidden just beneath the surface. In order to understand the context in which the book was written, we must first examine how the author fit into this exciting period of change. Giovanni Della Casa was an Archbishop, and influential individual as a diplomat for the Vatican. Despite his ecclesiastical background, Della Casas writings prove to the reader that the general mentality of the Renaissance (especially in the middle class) was the overarching cultural assumption that viewed the active life as worthy aspiration. The Galateo covertly expresses humanistic ideals, republicanism and praise for the public man, giving the reader a clear impression of what the culture of the time was like. The first way that Della C...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International Economics - Assignment Example The expansion of businesses in the country will lead to growth of the economy through building of industries and infrastructure. Creation of industries and construction of infrastructure will result in the creation of job opportunities to the citizens of that country.Therefore, improving their living standards and the economy (BalinÃŒÆ'o, TomaÃŒ s and Cottarelli, pp. 45-50). The yen, on the other hand, is weaker compared to U.S dollar. The situation may pose different effects on the economy of Japan. The funding cost of government will be high in the country. Since flows from outside the country often go into local government bonds, the flow will higher yield, therefore, raising money at a higher rate in the market. The little currency will trigger an increase in taxes, which might cause inflation hence lowering value of the economy. The import rates will be high, therefore, discouraging growth of local industries. On the other hand, a weaker currency enables a country to increase its competitive advantage internationally. Since the currency is weak, goods from the country will be in high demand hence increase sales of local industries thereby improving the economy (Nelson, E, and Buckland, pp. 71-75). According to the report, U.S job growth has increased from 214,000 to 230,000. The increase in employment in the U.S is because of currency growth. The currency increases in value, employment increase in the country. The increase in employment opportunities leads to growth of the economy due to increasing in income of employees. In addition, the increase in employment may be attributable to the expansion of businesses in the country. Since the industries are expanding, it translates to an improvement in the country’s economy and development of people living standards. The currency improves as economy of the state improves, as investors are attracted to investing in the country. More investors in the country will mean more